Friday, December 18, 2009

Strength Training: How to Get Great Results in Less Time

If you've been reading my blog for a while, chances are you already know about the benefits of strength training. Strength training can help you lose body fat while adding calorie-burning muscle. But the benefits of strength training actually go way beyond that.

Strength exercise can, reduce low back pain, decrease arthritic discomfort, increase your bone density, improve your metabolism. And the good news, it doesn’t take long to do if you spread out your exercises throughout the day. It only takes two or three 1/2 hour workouts a week to feel and notice a difference.

That's not much. Even coupled with three or four sessions of short wall stretches like the kind I describe in the book, you can still get in pretty good shape in only a few hours a week.

 How  Many  Reps or Weight amount should you be using?

Start out with, one set of 10 to12 repetitions is productive as three sets in terms of overall effectiveness when learning a new movement or coming off an injury. They key to the effectiveness is to use 70% of your maximum weight. So if you could do a bench press for one rep with 60 pounds, do 10 to12 reps at 45 pounds. If you're able to easily do more than 12 reps, it's time to raise the weight. If, on the other hand, you can't quite manage 10 reps, lower the weight a bit till you can.

The goal is to stress the muscles just enough to create new muscle without any injury.

Best of all, you don't have to buy any expensive equipment, or even go to a gym to do it. (And doing this at home is starting to look even more attractive as gas prices keep going up!) Just buy yourself a couple of dumbbells and use some chairs at home and your all set for a full body workout.

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