Friday, June 18, 2010

Abdominal exercises almost everyone is still doing which could destroy your back and cause major muscular dysfunctions throughout your entire body.

What good is a lean, flat stomach if your back is weak and vulnerable to a blowout?
Without a foundation of functional strength under the facade of “pretty” abs, you are vulnerable to muscle strains, disc hernias, Sciatic nerve pain (leg pain) or other injuries that could knock you out of commission for months.

The Secret of Individualized Progression And Scientific Exercise Sequencing

Whether you’re a beginner or if you have any injuries or physical limitations, you must work though the exercises in the proper sequence to develop muscle control, coordination and stability before moving to the advanced moves for a stronger core. If you don’t even have the basics (crunches) mastered, then following a routine in a magazine at random could be a disaster waiting to happen.

There are literally HUNDREDS variations of exercises you can do for your abs and core providing you with enough variety to keep you engaged and interested for a long time, without getting bored with your Ab workout.

Incorporating core conditioning and stability exercises in your abdominal routine not only will make you midsection stronger they will help you control your stomach muscles better and create a flatter appearance as well.

There are so much more to planks, crunches and reverse crunches for more define abs.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Interval Training Workout For Your Midsection Will it Work?

Are you in an exercise rut for your stomach? Do you want to kick your fitness level up a notch and increase your endurance? Would you like to add more intensity to you r Abs workout? Interval training is a good way to achieve all of these goals in a safe and systematic approach.

Interval training is simply a matter of alternating high intensity exercise with low intensity exercises. It allows you to get the benefits of the high intensity work while giving the body some rest time in between without stopping. It allows you to extend a workout time period and build endurance gradually.

An example is if you are a runner you would do sprints followed by a slower pace run or jog followed by a faster run again. The same concept can be applied to your abs.

Because interval training burns a lot of calories and provides high-quality muscle work, it may help you save time. If your goal is to burn more calories and tone your midsection, and you are short on time, then interval training does more, faster. Just remember keep your form in check while moving quickly through the exercises.

There are a lot of ways to add intervals to your  Abs workout. If you are already have been training for a while try speeding up every other exercise.  Or try completing a whole circuit of movements in a shorter time intervals.
Ankle touches
Double knee crunches-faster
Then repeat.

These are just a few ways  to kick start your metabolism and help you train your abs.
Good luck and remember to check with your doctor before starting this or any other exercise program