Sunday, December 20, 2009


You may have seen fitness cover models with “six pack” abs that looked mighty impressive. However, appearances can be deceiving. “You’re only as strong as your weakest link” is clichéd but true. Without a foundation of functional strength under the facade of “pretty” abs, you are vulnerable to muscle strains, back injuries, leg nerve pain or other injuries that could knock you out of commission for months.
If you’re a beginner or if you have any injuries or other physical limitations, you must work though the exercises in the proper sequence to develop muscle control, coordination and stability before moving to the advanced stuff. If you don’t even have the basics mastered, then following a routine you found in a magazine at random could be a disaster waiting to happen.
There are literally HUNDREDS of exercises you can do for your abs and core. The Key to any program is to provide you with enough variety to keep you engaged and interested for a long time, without giving so many that you feel overwhelmed.
Next make your workouts progressive-the more challenging your workouts the stronger your core will become, you simply jump in at the level based on your current condition. It’s also easy to create additional routines based on the numerous exercises and training principles once you set your mind to do more than crunches in your routine!
Stop doing those outdated and ineffective exercise just lying on the floor.
Stop doing the same abdominal exercises almost everyone is still doing without the results to show or feel that may even cause you back pain.
Why tight hip flexors muscles that run the front of your thighs and tie into your lower back could be preventing you from achieving that flat firm waistline by being over activated every time you work your abs causing major muscular dysfunctions throughout your entire core region and why you need to stretch these muscle groups before working your abs to get stronger firmer midsection.
These are just a few pointers to help you achieve a stronger, firmer core. You can learn many more important topics by staying informed and keep reading and take as much as you can out of book the authors have to share and apply it to your exercise program.

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