I got this email request at the end of 2009:
How can I set realistic goals that I can meet?
First, stop setting goals in January! They should be made throughout the year, why overwhelm yourself at the very first week of the New Year?
Set realistic goals that are realistic and you make them fun in some way. You might brainstorm different ways to accomplish the goal or recruit a friend to help you do it. For example, to lose 10 pounds rather than 20 or 30 pounds a realistic goal. Think about how to exercise daily, take up a new workout class, and ask a good friend to be your workout buddy to keep you motivated.
The scheme is to continue a healthy sense of humor: The more rigid or extreme the goal is, the less likely it will be that it will be attractive or attainable. Allow yourself to make mistakes and enjoy the process as much as reaching---or even surpassing--your new goals.
Step 1
List all the projects and goals you would like to complete during the New Year. Don't hold back: This is more of a brainstorming session to get all the ideas out onto paper for you to see them. Try not to censor yourself by limitations of time or budget--simply list the goals.
Step 2
Cluster similar goals together to organize this large register. You might group all exercise- and nutrition-oriented goals together. For example, list these similar projects together: joining a walking group, doing at least 40 minutes of cardio a day, biking one day a week to work, eating fish once or twice per week or cutting back on coffee.
By doing this your goals become more defined, clear-cut, and less overwhelming to complete.
Step 3
Trim your goals to the top 3 most important---or desirable---goals. Think of working on these goals first.
Step 4
Create a specific time frame and action plan for each goal. For example, if you want to run more than 4 miles, check the calendar and determine which days of the week you are most likely to have time to run to reach your goal. It might be two days a week, like Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Step 5
Re-evaluate after a month. After 30 days, if you find you no longer have a burning desire to reach that particular goal replace it with another goal or simply use that surplus time for your other goals.
Keep your sense of humor and keep on Training!
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