Monday, September 6, 2010


A Complete Workout to Strengthen Your Core without Straining Yourself
Adam Weiss, D.C.

The author of The BackSmart Fitness Plan
reveals a smarter, safer way to trim that
waistline— without injury,
without all those crunches!

As a chiropractic physician, Adam Weiss understands that traditional ab exercises can cause back pain, strain muscles, and even cause misalignment. That’s why he created a truly safe and amazingly effective routine to tone and sculpt the abs—without the risk of injury. His revolutionary approach targets and strengthens core muscles using a unique combination of muscle stretches, dynamic exercises, and dietary advice. It’s safe. It’s smart. And it works.

• Dr. Weiss is a board-certified chiropractic physician specializing in sports and fitness who has taught conditioning seminars nationwide for over 15 years

• The BackSmart Fitness Plan is an established title with steady sales; The AbSmart Fitness Plan will appeal to the same audience

• A truly safe way to exercise abs—through stretching, flexibility training, and other alternatives to crunches.
Adam Weiss, D.C. (Buffalo Grove, IL) is board certified by
the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. He is a member
of the American College of Sports Medicine, and medical
director of Weiss Health and Fitness Center.

Why is it important to stretch and strengthen the back?

Most people at one time or another have experienced back pain. By keeping your postural muscles strong and flexible is key and you can greatly reduce the risk of herniated discs, back strains, sprains and other back related issues. Plus, there are many other benefits to having a strong “back-bone”!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

AbSmart Fitness: When was the last time you gifted a book?

AbSmart Fitness: When was the last time you gifted a book?: "With all the media attention these past few months on the latest hand held electronic readers got me thinking how many people have actually ..."

When was the last time you gifted a book?

With all the media attention these past few months on the latest hand held electronic readers got me thinking how many people have actually given a book for a gift lately?
Can you remember the last time you bought a book for a friend or a family member who just loves a subject they can’t stop talking about it every time you see them? Has it been a while?

Don’t wait ,in a few more years or sooner book lovers may not have as many choices they once had with advance technology creeping up in the book publishing world and cost cutting occurring the future looks grim for those of us who like to curl up with a book before going to sleep.

Just the smell of a new book brings desire to read the pages, can you get that from an electronic reader? Maybe they will add a smell to their next version so you can think you are opening up a classic or rare book. But it will never replace the feel of paper between your fingers as you quickly turn the pages not wanting to stop the propelling story in front of you.

Yes I admit the thought of down loading books in a matter of minutes is thrilling but that instant gratification may not give us the true pleasure of actually holding a book in our hands.
How many times have you been on vacation on a beach and saw a book cover someone was reading and asked them what they thought of the author or the subject? People with books in their hands are more approachable and shall I go as far a friendlier than non- reading folks?

I think we can use more recycle paper as well for books to prolong the use of real books to keep them in our hands and I think from a fuel use perspective it just might be less costly than the new computer holding the data of a book? Sure you could argue energy usage to user ration outweighs the benefits going with newer technology and the consumer market will be the deciding factor in the end.

Finally from an author’s view point how will we have anymore book signing?
Sure I communicate with online forums and emails with my readers as well as this blog but it’s not the same as actually meeting the author of the book maybe even a hand shake and small talk that give us the reader insight into the author’s writing process that we truly benefit from the encounter holding a real book.

So before its too late think of someone who could benefit from a book and buy it for them and see what interactions can take place. Dare I say a long term relationship may occur with that person and an ongoing habit of giving books to each other to enjoy?

What are some of your thoughts and comments?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Abdominal exercises almost everyone is still doing which could destroy your back and cause major muscular dysfunctions throughout your entire body.

What good is a lean, flat stomach if your back is weak and vulnerable to a blowout?
Without a foundation of functional strength under the facade of “pretty” abs, you are vulnerable to muscle strains, disc hernias, Sciatic nerve pain (leg pain) or other injuries that could knock you out of commission for months.

The Secret of Individualized Progression And Scientific Exercise Sequencing

Whether you’re a beginner or if you have any injuries or physical limitations, you must work though the exercises in the proper sequence to develop muscle control, coordination and stability before moving to the advanced moves for a stronger core. If you don’t even have the basics (crunches) mastered, then following a routine in a magazine at random could be a disaster waiting to happen.

There are literally HUNDREDS variations of exercises you can do for your abs and core providing you with enough variety to keep you engaged and interested for a long time, without getting bored with your Ab workout.

Incorporating core conditioning and stability exercises in your abdominal routine not only will make you midsection stronger they will help you control your stomach muscles better and create a flatter appearance as well.

There are so much more to planks, crunches and reverse crunches for more define abs.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Interval Training Workout For Your Midsection Will it Work?

Are you in an exercise rut for your stomach? Do you want to kick your fitness level up a notch and increase your endurance? Would you like to add more intensity to you r Abs workout? Interval training is a good way to achieve all of these goals in a safe and systematic approach.

Interval training is simply a matter of alternating high intensity exercise with low intensity exercises. It allows you to get the benefits of the high intensity work while giving the body some rest time in between without stopping. It allows you to extend a workout time period and build endurance gradually.

An example is if you are a runner you would do sprints followed by a slower pace run or jog followed by a faster run again. The same concept can be applied to your abs.

Because interval training burns a lot of calories and provides high-quality muscle work, it may help you save time. If your goal is to burn more calories and tone your midsection, and you are short on time, then interval training does more, faster. Just remember keep your form in check while moving quickly through the exercises.

There are a lot of ways to add intervals to your  Abs workout. If you are already have been training for a while try speeding up every other exercise.  Or try completing a whole circuit of movements in a shorter time intervals.
Ankle touches
Double knee crunches-faster
Then repeat.

These are just a few ways  to kick start your metabolism and help you train your abs.
Good luck and remember to check with your doctor before starting this or any other exercise program

Monday, January 25, 2010

Healthy Eating

Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy" - this is a common saying and it is very unlikely that you have not heard it before. Every one of us wants to stay healthy. To maintain a healthy life, we need a healthy diet, too. Without having a healthy diet, we may not even live that long. But a healthy eating style does not necessarily mean a boring diet. On the contrary, you can add a great variety to your healthy diet and enjoy its delicious flavor.

There is practically no secret about healthy eating. This should be a perfect blend of:
Additionally, you need to promote a healthy lifestyle in terms of maintaining a few useful strategies, such as exercising at your fitness level and stress management to keep you healthy without compromising your taste buds.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Set Goals in New Year

I got this email request at the end of 2009:
How can I set realistic goals that I can meet?
First, stop setting goals in January! They should be made throughout the year, why overwhelm yourself at the very first week of the New Year?
Set realistic goals that are realistic and you make them fun in some way. You might brainstorm different ways to accomplish the goal or recruit a friend to help you do it. For example, to lose 10 pounds rather than 20 or 30 pounds a realistic goal. Think about how to exercise daily, take up a new workout class, and ask a good friend to be your workout buddy to keep you motivated.

The scheme is to continue a healthy sense of humor: The more rigid or extreme the goal is, the less likely it will be that it will be attractive or attainable. Allow yourself to make mistakes and enjoy the process as much as reaching---or even surpassing--your new goals.
Step 1
List all the projects and goals you would like to complete during the New Year. Don't hold back: This is more of a brainstorming session to get all the ideas out onto paper for you to see them. Try not to censor yourself by limitations of time or budget--simply list the goals.

Step 2
Cluster similar goals together to organize this large register. You might group all exercise- and nutrition-oriented goals together. For example, list these similar projects together: joining a walking group, doing at least 40 minutes of cardio a day, biking one day a week to work, eating fish once or twice per week or cutting back on coffee.
By doing this your goals become more defined, clear-cut, and less overwhelming to complete.
Step 3
Trim your goals to the top 3 most important---or desirable---goals. Think of working on these goals first.
Step 4
Create a specific time frame and action plan for each goal. For example, if you want to run more than 4 miles, check the calendar and determine which days of the week you are most likely to have time to run to reach your goal. It might be two days a week, like Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Step 5
Re-evaluate after a month. After 30 days, if you find you no longer have a burning desire to reach that particular goal replace it with another goal or simply use that surplus time for your other goals.

Keep your sense of humor and keep on Training!