Friday, December 18, 2009

Preventing Holiday Weight Gain

Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s the average person gains 6 to 12 lbs. If this has happened to you in the past and you want to prevent it from happening to you this year, I suggest that you give yourself a realistic goal now of no weight gain!
You are going to need a plan. The plan that I have is surprisingly simple and doesn’t require extraordinary effort on your part and is 100% fool proof!
  1. Weigh yourself. You need to know this number. This is your reference point. So, dig out the scale from the back of your closet and weigh yourself. Throughout the holiday weigh yourself first thing in the morning, daily. If you see a weight gain, address it right away (Ask yourself did you eat a lot of salty foods the day before or tons of sweets or more than 4 meals that day?) Then increase your exercise and eat less the next day. Trust me, this works.
  2. Exercise daily. Schedule this into your calendar. It can be as simple as walking on the treadmill or brisk walk outside during your lunchtime. But you must do something. Exercise elevates your metabolism beyond the duration of the exercise activity. If you go walk for 30 to 45 minutes in the morning, your metabolism will stay elevated throughout the rest of your morning. Exercise will also reduce your holiday stress as well.
  3. Don’t skip any meals. This is an incredibly busy time of year and your body needs fuel to accomplish all that you have to do. Keep your meals about 3 to 4 hours apart and include an afternoon snack. By taking time for meals you can resist temptation on all those calorie-loaded treats. If you are on the go, take your snack along with you. Be sure it contains protein, because it will help you to feel satisfied. Suggestions for snacks on the go include: cheeses or handful of nuts like cashews, walnuts or almonds.
  4. Stay away from the breadbasket. Maybe you didn’t realize it but those inviting, bread rolls have over 233 calories apiece – before you add the butter. Unless it contains fiber, white bread has little benefit to your body. Do the math: 2 rolls (466 calories) + butter (110 calories) = 576 calories!
  5. Start your day with protein and some carbs – it will keep you satisfied longer. I suggest omelet or turkey links with your oatmeal to begin the day.
  6. Drink a lot of water throughout the day – Staying hydrated will help your body from bloating and help flush your system.
The holidays are a fun time to enjoy with family and friends. You can enjoy it all without gaining weight!
Good Luck and keep on training!

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